Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Help them succeed by getting involved

Schools Matter always has some good ideas, often in the form of articles written by others. Today was no exception. The post includes an ABC News article by Neal Karlinsky about high schools raising graduation rates. It showcases a couple schools that have seen dramatic increases by getting more involved in the students' lives. Karlinsky writes:
A handful of schools across the country have discovered that a key ingredient to helping kids be successful in school is helping them deal with the problems they have in the outside world.
It really is that simple, I think.

The article closes with these words:

Educators say the solution won't come in the form of more testing. As one principal put it today, the key is to see students as human beings, not statistics.
Now, if only we could get someone to listen...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A month ago I saw a TV report on how a school in a poor area in Seville, Spain had managed to reduce the number of drop outs.
The key also was to get involved in the students' problems outside school.
If this works anywhere, it must be true.