Blogging isn't something I do in addition to my day, it's something I do naturally as a part of my day.and
I spend less time in front of the television, more time writing and reading.
I am trying to get back into more regular blogging. I know it is important to me, for me as a professional. I learn so much from the blogs I read, from the blog posts I write and from the comments I get.
I think that part of the problem is that I feel like I am back where I was a year and a half ago -- feeling like I have nothing to say. This is where Miguel has some ideas that I think will help me refocus. He talks about what he gets from his blog, saying:
In the past, I had to find a way to take notes, store emails, and ended up with lots of stuff everywhere. But now, I drop the links into my BlinkList (in lieu of and/or quickly jot down my impressions. This makes all the difference during my day. When I need to write something, I have a store of article ideas.and
Well, my blogs enable me to jot down the ideas, factoids that would otherwise be lost. A visual learner, I HAVE to write it down to remember...and even then, it slips away.
This is a different way of looking at blogging than I have had lately. I think it will help. Let's see.