Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Blogging revisited

Miguel had a post that got me thinking about my blogging practice. As some of you who have been around for awhile, I used to be a daily blogger. Then it was every couple days. Then Hurricane Katrina knocked me out for a while. Since then I haven't been blogging as frequently. I have written about this before, and at the time, or at least after reading some comments on the post, I thought I was OK with it. But Miguel has me re-evaluating my take on it. He talks about how he blogs so regularly and says:
Blogging isn't something I do in addition to my day, it's something I do naturally as a part of my day.
I spend less time in front of the television, more time writing and reading.

I am trying to get back into more regular blogging. I know it is important to me, for me as a professional. I learn so much from the blogs I read, from the blog posts I write and from the comments I get.

I think that part of the problem is that I feel like I am back where I was a year and a half ago -- feeling like I have nothing to say. This is where Miguel has some ideas that I think will help me refocus. He talks about what he gets from his blog, saying:
In the past, I had to find a way to take notes, store emails, and ended up with lots of stuff everywhere. But now, I drop the links into my BlinkList (in lieu of and/or quickly jot down my impressions. This makes all the difference during my day. When I need to write something, I have a store of article ideas.
Well, my blogs enable me to jot down the ideas, factoids that would otherwise be lost. A visual learner, I HAVE to write it down to remember...and even then, it slips away.

This is a different way of looking at blogging than I have had lately. I think it will help. Let's see.

1 comment:

Miguel Guhlin (@mGuhlin) said...

Thanks for writing this...I meant to revise my entry yesterday but forgot. I'll just make the revision here...blogging is writing, writing is living, is writing.

I know, kinda nuts if done in extreme, but it's the idea that EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire, except that the fire doesn't consume, it spreads like crazy.

Thanks again,
Miguel Guhlin