Sunday, February 06, 2005

Week 3 group 5 task

This has been an interesting week for me. The addition of aggregators to my life has, indeed, made a world of difference. I am reading more and thinking more. Unfortunately, it seems I am writing less. But maybe that's OK for now.

Bettina and I were involved in Group 5 this week. I was interested to see how differently we approached the task. Bettina is definitely more industrious than I am! And I think she understands all this better than I do, too. She made a wonderful chart looking at all the features of the different services. I only looked at them to see what I could do with them. I found that Bloglines was much easier to figure out than the others. Of course, I had step-by-step instructions on what to do with Bloglines, so maybe that gave it an unfair advantage! But at any rate, I didn't find anything that I think I would really want to use the others for. Maybe I am just not into this enough yet, though!

But we have these two charts now, and we are waiting for Bee to help us figure out how to post them to the wiki. And where. She promises to help next week, so you will have to wait until then to see the results of our (mostly Bettina's) hard work!

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